so, the deck at the cabin really gets a beating from the weather, we have refinished it twice in 5 years and it is in need of refinishing again. what a massive job it is too! chris decided to go up and do it himself last weekend and somehow managed to do it all by himself.
before and after, what a difference!i wasn't hip to the color the first time we did it this orangey/red but it has grown on me now. we are beginning to see things fall apart on the cabin and it is needing more attention (paint chipping, fixtures breaking etc etc) i am getting that nervous feeling that the honeymoon is over. but that's what home ownership gives ya! at this point, we will fix what we can and live with what we can't. a few things i am liking at the moment: (not sure why i can't get paragraphs on typepad now...???) two cool movies. a cool house. something to dream about. another song to learn on guitar. looking forward to a quieter weekend with only a few things to do, guitar lesson, picnic lunch with my parents and watching the girls ride their bikes, checking out a high school musical with friends. i have been busy adding extra work days to pay for all the fun summer camps i have lined up for the girls this year. they are both doing a month long academic camp at our local college ( i loved walking the campus as a kid, really inspired me and i ended up graduating from there with my bachelors degree), three different camp fire camps and lizzie will do a stint at ballet camp (emily had 4 years of ballet and liz has been begging to we will give it a try!) not sure if we will get swim lessons in, i am such a fan of swim lessons...hmmm, gotta work on that one. i am hoping for some long weekends up at the cabin, long bike rides and some beach days. yay summer! here are a couple more grand council fire photos:
(singing "say when")
the processional
a really gorgeous stage this year! wo he lo!
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