i have dragged liz to candy sales for so many years now, and i always brought art supplies to keep her busy. well she started this "gift with purchase" deal on her own. she draws pictures for the patrons who buy candy and you know what? it's a BIG hit! here she is chatting with a customer (for some reason she wanted him to sign his own picture...???) my kids always amaze me, they are just so interesting (i am sure all parents say that!) i am always surprised at what they come up with.
and my dad and i are completely in love with lizzies drawings...
on a crappy note, the girl scouts decided to move their cookie sale dates up three weeks to overlap with our camp fire candy sales... which has added confusion to many people who don't know the difference between camp fire and girls scouts... my neighbors think they have bought from us already when in fact they bought girls scout cookies instead. it really bums me out when an organization as HUGE and prosperous as the girl scouts can knowingly sabotage another organization that was actually here first and poses no real threat to their survival. why i say??? there has been a long standing agreement not to tread on each others fundraising and all of a sudden the girl scouts decided to run camp fire over this way? doesn't seem very neighborly. last, i have been taking guitar lessons... sore fingers and nightly practice sessions with acoustical guitars running through my mind... fun stuff! that's it for now... snow weekend at camp gvl coming soon.
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